Act Early COVID-19 Response and Resiliency Initiative Team

Workgroup Purpose

The Act Early COVID-19 Response and Resiliency Initiative team serves as the COVID-19 workgroup for the Act Early State Team. This project aims to identify challenges and opportunities related to identifying developmental delays and providing early intervention services to young children during the COVID-19 (coronavirus 2019) pandemic. A needs assessment was conducted to identify current challenges and opportunities to support early identification in primary care, early care and education, Birth to Three and early childhood special education, and public health programs such home visiting and WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children). A plan to address identified challenges and opportunities is being developed, implemented, and evaluated.

Assessing and Addressing Priorities and Inequities in Developmental Monitoring and Early Identification: Strategies from the Act Early COVID-19 Response Efforts

Thursday, May 13, 2021