
The Act Early State Team was created in 2007 as an activity under the federal Combating Autism Act – now reauthorized as the Autism CARES Act. A major activity of the State Team has been to develop and update the Act Early State Plan. The State Plan was first developed by a group of key stakeholders across several sectors in 2007. An expanded and more diverse Act Early State Team was convened over the years, and an updated State Plan was released in 2011 and again in 2015. The Act Early State Plan identifies five goals that will help Wisconsin make progress in identifying and supporting children with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities:

  • Goal 1: Family Engagement
  • Goal 2: System of Early Identification and Referral
  • Goal 3: Assessment, Evaluation, and Diagnosis
  • Goal 4: Intervention and Coordinated Community Supports
  • Goal 5: Statewide Coordination


Act Early State Team members from over 30 state and community agencies and organizations provide critical input into implementing activities to advance the goals of the Act Early State Plan.